Hr. Stig Andersen (Hvide) conveyed in 1342 among others his bestate/b in ?lst to his brother Uffe Andersen (Hvide); Jomfruklostret in Randers sold in 1355 bestate/b in ?lst to Hans Pedersen, and his widow Bodil bought in 1361 all the Essenb?k kloster-bestate/b ... ?lst (1342 ?lst?th); Askildrup (* 1398 Aschilstrup, 1453 Askildrvp), bRobdrup/b (* 1468 Ruptrvp); Trustrup(* 1398 Truustrup); Mikkelstrup (* 1425 Michelstrup); Brusg?rd ( * 1393 Bruusgaard); Teglg?rd (1618 Theiggelgaardt). ...
by heidi brobdrup/b the eyes are sensually closed, the white dress embraces brown skin, and the full lips are curled in a playful smile. miss cuando cubango is one of the 10 angolan women hoping for enough votes to win one of the worldâ??s ...
Det kan ikke afvises, at der kan ske udsivning til grundvandet.Flyveaskedepot,. Robdrup (Midtkraft, nu Elsam): Depot for flyveaske fra kulkraftv?rk. P? grund af p?virkning af n?rliggende ?, foretages opsamling og rensning.